Advanced Throttle Body & Air Intake Cleaner
A clean throttle body & air intake system delivers a better driving experience. GUMOUT® Advanced Throttle Body & Air Intake Cleaner’s Professional Formula eliminates accumulated gum, varnish, oil, & carbon from the throttle body’s butterfly valve to deliver a smooth gas pedal and an efficient air delivery into fuel injected engines for increased performance.

What it Does
- 540040 - 11 oz.
Before beginning, ensure vehicle is off and throttle body is not energized. Failure to do so could result in serious injury.
- Locate throttle body; between air intake and the engine.
- Remove air intake duct, air filter & MAF sensor, as necessary, to expose throttle body.
- Place rag around throttle body to capture runoff/overspray. DO NOT spray MAF sensor or an electric throttle body’s electronics.
- With provided tube attached, spray both sides of the butterfly valve, and linkages on mechanical throttle bodies, then allow the product to soak.
- Spray again to remove remaining carbon & varnish.
- Reassemble parts as necessary.
- To maximize vehicle performance clean MAF Sensor with Gumout® Professional Mass Air Flow Sensor Cleaner.
If sprayed on painted surface, wipe off at once.