small engine, water in fuel, this fixed it
Nov 29, 2020
AMAZING PRODUCT. got some water in the fuel tank of my small engine. tried other products, they did not work. this fixed it. runs like a sewing machine now!
- eric Smith onGumout
Feb 11, 2019
My wife's minivan wouldn't start tried gasoline antifreeze and still no go, found this in my garage that I had bought to try in my truck, I poured the entire can in the fuel tank and it fired right up. Totally amazed!
- Dallas Cram onGumout
Aug 9, 2018
I have never used this product and my car is running pretty good. Gumout Multi-System Tune-up is awesome.
- Deriff Nught onGumout
Car sat for over a year.
Jun 22, 2018
I bought 2 bottles of this because it was BO50%OFF. Which worked out anyways because my car had been sitting for over a year with no oil changes and no startups. The last time I started it, you can telvit was sluggish from just sitting for a long time. Once I put these bottles into the gas and oil. Without hesitation, started right up and runs just like when I first bought the car.
- Christian M. onGumout
GDI Fix in a can!
Apr 2, 2018
This stuff fixed the problems with my GDI valve build-up. I use it in my engine lubricator to keep a constant supply slowly dripping into an engine vacuum line and it keeps my valves spotlessly clean as verified with my scope-camera. They should be putting these vacuum fed oilers on newer cars with direct injection and have you use this stuff in them so the engine is always cleaning itself. Amazing results! No big repair bills every 50,000 miles any longer!
- Steve Cedrone onGumout
Good Stuff
Feb 25, 2018
I have a 94 Buick Century that was running like death. I put a can over this stuff in there and it started to roll smoke out of the exhaust for about the first 30-40 seconds of running. This stuff has really helped my car run new again!
- Rylan onGumout
Good Stuff
Feb 25, 2018
I have a 94 Buick Century that was running like death. I put a can over this stuff in there and it started to roll smoke out of the exhaust for about the first 30-40 seconds of running. This stuff has really helped my car run new again!
- Rylan onGumout
Fixed Check Engine Light Error Code
Feb 3, 2018
The Check Engine light was coming on about 1-2 times a week with the same error code, P0400: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Malfunction. I used my OBDII reader tool to view and clear it each time. Since putting 12 ounces of this product in a full tank (4 oz in the engine), the check engine light has not come back on.
- Paul onGumout
Fixed Check Engine Light Error Code
Feb 3, 2018
The Check Engine light was coming on about 1-2 times a week with the same error code, P0400: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Malfunction. I used my OBDII reader tool to view and clear it each time. Since putting 12 ounces of this product in a full tank (4 oz in the engine), the check engine light has not come back on.
- Paul onGumout
Dec 14, 2017
I have used this product and i think it’s great
- Douglas A McNeish onGumout
Amazing results.
Aug 23, 2017
I used this in a friends 93 Silverado that was poorly maintained. We put it in like the instructions on the can and drove around for awhile. After it idled a while and the wind was blowing we could not see the truck due to all the smoke out the tail pipe. Could have been something else but it seemed like all the carbon broke loose and was burned out the exhaust and it started running smoother. Mpg is up about 3mpg.
- Thomas Robicheaux onGumout
Jun 25, 2017
I don't care whether the "gumout" company lives or dies, but i put 2 ozs. of this stuff in my FZR 600 motorcycle gas tank and within 2 mins every bit of the rough idling and rough starts from a stop sign was G.O.N.E. when it comes to my motorcycle i would not say it if it was not true. I will now buy this stuff EVERY time and nothing else.
- MARK MEIER onGumout
May 9, 2017
I use this humbug multi system tune up twice a year, spring and fall to keep my 2016 Toyota running good.
- sandra l hudgins onGumout
Great Product!
Apr 7, 2017
Have 4 late model Mercedes Benz. Tried on one, after about a half tank of gas used could not believe how the car ran like the day we bought it. Have now used on all four and will use again in the future!
- Bob onGumout
Great and fast acting!
Aug 25, 2016
I used this product on my snowmobile which was hesitating and not idling properly. With in 15 minutes of adding the product to the tank the idle was restored and the hesitation was gone wow! I was impressed so I added a bottle to my powerstroke diesel and throttle response Improved after the first tank and also noted a slight mileage increase. Will defiantly purchase more and add to my other cars, lawn mowers and toys.
- Nursekyle onGumout
made a big difference!
Aug 15, 2016
My wife had been telling me her car was kinda sluggish, so your Gumout Tune-Up was just what the doctor ordered! She said that she noticed a difference after her 1st fill up, and now she is a believer!
- cleveland224 onGumout
Seems to work good, hard to know for sure.
Aug 12, 2016
I have a 2000 Toyota Corolla and liked this product. I put half of a bottle in the gas tank. I pulled the other half of the bottle through my brake booster cable to help clean out the upper cylinder. It smoked pretty good afterwards out the tailpipe. The car actually seemed to run a little smoother and with more power. It is somewhat difficult to know for sure if it worked, but I was overall pleased. I think it was a good value.
- IsaiahT onGumout
Used 89 octane and was told to use 91 octane
Jul 16, 2016
I had installed the tune up application and it stopped pinging and stalls at take off.
- rtickbaker60 onGumout
MPG Restored
Jul 3, 2016
I used the product in my car to try to restore the MPG. The car dropped 1 MPG for several tanks of gas. Used the product in two tanks of gas to clean the fuel system. The last three tanks of gas I have gained almost the full 1 MPG back.
- RichC onGumout
why I use gum out
Jun 30, 2016
some went in in the snow blower and the remander went in my 2004 blazer
- edward onGumout
Pontoon blessing
Jun 28, 2016
3200 t0 4000 rpm on my Mercury 4 stroke was erratic and annoying. Tried Sea Foam and STP and there was no change. 1 can of Gumout Tune Up and this engine runs great from idle to 5200 rpm. Excellent.
- Grandpa onGumout
Multi-System Tune-up
Jun 19, 2016
This products was easy to use and works great I would recommend this for all to tryt
- Flowerbear onGumout
Multi System Tune
Jun 11, 2016
My 2007 Mountaineer was getting sluggish and did not have the power that a v8 should have. I followed the directions on the product and by the time I had used 3/4 of my tank of gas there was a very noticeable difference in the performance of the engine. With the temperature hovering around the same point on my driving days I also was able to see an actual improvement in my MPG. I drove the same routes so I could get realistic measurements. I have now been through two tankfuls of gas and can still see the improvement that I had initially noted. I will be using this product on my other vehicles as I feel that the return was well worth the investment.
- bruce onGumout
Jun 2, 2016
Easy to use no measuring. Just pour it gas tank and fill tank.
- beachkid onGumout
Another great product from Gumout
May 13, 2016
I used the Gumout Multi-System Tune Up in my 2001 Ford F150 with 180,000 miles, as a fuel additive. I used it as recommended and it worked well. It seems that my vehicle has had had a slight increase in miles per gallon as well as an increased excelerator response. With the colder weather we have been experiencing I needed something to help with the hesitation that I was experiencing. The Gumout Multi-System Tune Up seem to fit the bill. I would recommend this product and I do plan on using the product again.
- Brittll onGumout
Suprise Results!
May 7, 2016
Have a 2001 "Jimmy", 4.3 L with 62,xxx miles. Vehicle runs great but gas mileage was suffering. Filled tank and checked mileage on 3-4-15. Mileage was 12.4 mpg.
- Stever onGumout
Gumout is good for your engine
May 3, 2016
I have been using Gumout for 40 some years ever since I have been driving. I just put some into my Buick, and I can't wait to put it into my chainsaw and lawnmower to see how they run after treatment
- BigJohn onGumout
Motorcycle carb clean out
Apr 16, 2016
The carburetor on my motorcycle was leaking pretty badly, so before I the it apart I ran some of this stuff through it and guess what? No more Leaks! Love the stuff!!
- Ben Dover onGumout
Motorcycle carb clean out
Apr 16, 2016
The carburetor on my motorcycle was leaking pretty badly, so before I the it apart I ran some of this stuff through it and guess what? No more Leaks! Love the stuff!!
- Ben Dover onGumout
Works Great on all engines
Apr 15, 2016
I have been using Multi System Tune Up on all me engines both diesel and gas, I have a old 1963 Ford farm tractor and it as improved its performance since I started using Multi System Tune Up.
- Darrell onGumout
Awesome product
Apr 3, 2016
great stuff! My car is running smoothly now, thanks to Gumout MSA.
- johnny onGumout
Apr 2, 2016
I added to my 2012 ESCAPE with the 4cly engine. like the taxi cabs! I had rough idle and could see the RPM moving up and down at idle. After driving my normal 20 mile commute, the idle was the tack nettle is now stays in place at idle. THANKS, MARK TILTON
- MTILTON onGumout
multi system tuneup
Mar 29, 2016
I tried this product before my 800 mile road trip, I filled up car and put the entire can in the gas tank after five miles into the trip I noticed the can idled much smoother also the car the road much smoother. I drive a 1998 Honda Odyssey I notice you can add it to the oil and/or gas if I got that result by adding a can to the fuel system I am going to try it again and add to my oil to see the results then i will try to use it in both especially since it made a big diffrence by adding it to fuel, great product
- June onGumout
Must Have For All Types Of Vehicles
Mar 21, 2016
Long Time User Of Gumout Products. I use This Product In My Ram 1500 2006 1500 with 74500 and My Wife's Soccer Moms 06 Van with 202675. Have always used Gumout in Both Vehicles. Its a Family Product also My oldest was Stationed in North Dakota and Used Gumout Products Exclusively in His Jeep Vehicles. I use this and run till the Fuel Light comes on at about 300-320 City Driving!. Smooth-Clean-Quiet Efficient running.
- Spider1 onGumout
Mar 19, 2016
Good product for maintenance to your car. Don't expect it to cure a drivabilty problem.
- Cee01 onGumout
Best product ever
Mar 17, 2016
I love this! From the moment I put this in my k I could tell the difference. My car has over 269,000 original miles, I thought nothing could make it run better, Thank you so much Gum Out. I am proud you chose me to try your product.
- Lala1967 onGumout
Quality Product
Mar 9, 2016
I put the Multi System Tune Up in my gas tank and have run about 3/4 of the tank so far. The engine feels strong and smooth. Granted, my vehicle was running well before the additive, but it feels great with the tune up. It has not caused any sensors to throw any codes, so it appears to be able to do it's job without causing any issues. One criticism is that the neck of the bottle is short, so it's a little difficult to shove the bottle into the opening of the gas tank without fear of spilling. It would be nice if the neck were elongated and easy to shove into the opening. As for the performance of the solution, it's difficult to say without opening the engine and inspecting the cleanliness of the parts before and after, but I can say that my car runs strong on it and I'd recommend this to a friend.
- TyG35 onGumout
Jan 27, 2016
- RICHARDLT3 onGumout
220,000 miles and growing
Jan 6, 2016
Used this product in my 2004 Mazda 6 with 220,000 miles on it. First impression was that I believe the throttle response was a little better. Most of my driving is stop and go in the city to and from work. I measured 1 additional mpg on the tank of gas containing the additive. Not sure if subsequent tanks of gas will show the same gain but I'm going to be watching. Overall, I would purchase again and use every few fill ups.
- mi1llion onGumout
Very pleased with the results.
Dec 16, 2015
I must say that after adding Gumout Muti-System Tune-Up to my 05 Scion Tc, ( with 82,000 miles on it) at my last fill up that I am very pleased with how well it worked. After about a quarter tank I could feel the idle was getting smother. The more I drove I could tell there was an increase in engine response and over all power. I highly recommend this product.
- hokahay onGumout
All In One
Dec 10, 2015
This is the product we have needed and now we have one that can be used by "average" car owners, car enthusiasts and professionals alike to clean the fuel system. I added this to fuel tank of a 2002 Ford Taurus with 94k miles and drove it on a 200 mile trip and noticed much smoother idle and increased acceleration after 100 miles driving. Also can be used in crankcase to reduce sludge or to clean the intake system but it is critical to follow the instructions on the product. Dont wait until your car is running bad, use this as a preventive maintenance so it keeps running good.
- texmantoo onGumout
First time using this product
Nov 27, 2015
This is the firat time i am trying out this product, not bad at all. My car seems to run better now.
- Phyllis onGumout
Excellent Product !
Nov 21, 2015
For our Gumout Multi System Tune-Up test we used our 1999 Chevrolet Corvette which has only 40K miles on it's LS1 V-8 engine, but the engine had a slight idle miss which we believed was either dirty injectors or carbon build up on the valves & intake system so this was a great test for this product. After a full tank of fuel and a weeks driving the miss was gone and throttle response was better, I'd give this product an A+ ! I will now purchase another can for use in our 2004 Lightning . Thanks Gumout !
- Greg55 onGumout
Cleaned system up...
Nov 20, 2015
put er in a 2005 vortech 350 chevy ... cleared out sputtering...
- c kivey onGumout
Great results
Nov 18, 2015
I used this product with great results, I instantly noticed a smoother idle, and a bit more get up and go in passing gear. Freeway on ramp is where it was evident that this product did make a difference. From 1st to 2nd gear and into 3rd my 2004 Mitsubishi Montero limited kept on pulling to get me up to speed.. I am going to use the product again. And would and already have recommended it to friends and family...
- FISHDAWG1 onGumout
Super Great Stuff For My Car !!!
Nov 9, 2015
I was given this Gumout- Multi-System Tune-up Solution & I went to put it my Gasoliine & Boy what power this stuff gave my car as I never had all this power honestly as I'm not making this up. I also actually got 16 miles more per tank full. I'll be using this stuff from now on because of the performance that I got !!!
- pfem434 onGumout
Great Product
Nov 5, 2015
I used the product in my 2004 Suburban with 85000 miles on it and right away I noticed that the fuel mileage went up about 2 MPG. After running that tank of fuel it also seamed the engine runs smother. I believe this to be a great product
- bigbri2 onGumout
Worked as advertised, and then some!
Oct 21, 2015
Added Gumout to my Ford Edge - lost the ping under load, and gas mileage went up 1.5mpg. Mixed into the fuel of my atv's, and the needle valves no longer stick!!
- Bogie1968 onGumout
Great results using Gumout Tune-up the first time
Oct 15, 2015
I was amazed on how well it worked.I have a 93 chevy trailblazer.It has never been tuned up all.I couldn't believe how much pickup it has now.
- Joesac onGumout
Added MPG
Oct 13, 2015
My truck is a 2009 Chev Silverado with only 30000 miles on it and I noticed my MPG was not doing as well as when it was new. I ran a full tank of gas with the Gumout-Multi-System Tune up in it and another full tank of gas. When I checked my mileage after the third tank I was back to when it was new. I seemed to have better pedal responce too.
- skiderwi onGumout
Noticed a difference!
Oct 12, 2015
Cleaned out cylinders and injectors, noticed a gain in mpg
- Bigliftedtruck94 onGumout
Great for my old car
Oct 6, 2015
I really like Gumout in my older car because it eliminates all it's quirks. No more rumbling and chugging and that wierd little bounce. All gone now.
- Dianewie onGumout
Multi-System Gumout
Oct 2, 2015
I used this product in a 2002 Toyota 4Runner with 140K miles. The vehicle had never had any sort of fuel treatments and I was anxious to see after a tank if my mileage would increase without any changes. It appears to have worked. The vehicle starts smoother, has a slightly better throttle response, and the mileage looks to have increased under similar driving conditions about 3-5%. Not to bad at all. I'll feel better about my MPG increase after I monitor the next few tanks of fuel. I'll be running this in other vehicles in the future.
- Malcolm onGumout
good engine cleaner
Sep 23, 2015
I have used some multi engine additives on several of my older vehicles as they began to run sluggish. I recently used the gumout multi system tune- up on my newer vehicle . Due to the weather conditions in New England( 4 ft. of snow ) I really haven't been able to put the pedal to the metal to notice any improvement.All driving trips have been cut short. But having said that I have noticed considerable difference when used in the past.
- Jack onGumout
Great Reasonably Priced Product
Sep 12, 2015
I used the Multi System Tune-Up in an older Honda Odessey that my daughter uses to drive to school on a daily basis. I knew the car had been running a little rough lately but with it being past tune up time, and the quality of gas we get these days I was not really concerned. I used this product with a full tank of gas and within a 100 or so miles my daughter asked what I had done to HER Car - I went and drove the car and you really could tell a marked difference at both idle and driving speeds. My dad always told me you could not pour anything out of a can to fix a problem - but in this case I wish He was still around so he could see and feel the difference this product made.
- MacDaddy onGumout
Got Up and Went
Sep 3, 2015
I had to wait for the snow to melt to get my car out of a drift. But when I added Gumout to my tank that day, WOW!!! I immediately noticed more power and smoother performance. Hills could be climbed in a higher gear than usual. The idling of the engine increased about 100 rpm, also smoothing out. All in all, this stuff is as good as it says on the can. I'd like to try some in the engine as directed too. Thanks for the chance to rave about a product that is what is says.
- WinemakerCT onGumout
Works as advertised!
Jul 24, 2015
I had used a comparable product in the past with decent results but after using this product on my truck, the idle got much smoother. I also used it in my snowblower that I didn't properly store for the summer last year and wow what an improvement! It saved me from having to take it in for a carburetor service. I will always have some on hand!
- Eric onGumout
No more shaking
Jul 20, 2015
I put multi -System Tune up in my Toyota Tacoma My truck s hooked when i Started it second Time I started it no more shaking truck runs smooth and does not shake really good stuff
- Kim Brooke onGumout
Sitting Truck Runs Rough
Jul 10, 2015
I have a 1995 Chevy box truck that I keep around for our business, but that we don't drive on a daily basis. Anyway, it dies in October on a customer's premises, and I got it going just enough to get it back to the office, where it then sat. Winter came along and I did not feel like working on it. Anyway, after the ice melted, I got to it, and had to put in a new distributor. While taking the fan shroud off to be able to see the timing marks on the pulley, I broke the heater control valve. So, I went ahead and replaced that along with all the heater hose and while I was at it the upper and lower radiator hoses. SO - after all that - fire it up, set the timing, and it was still running rough, probably from the old ethanol gas. No problem - I put a bottle of Gumout Multi-System Engine Tune-up and let it run for a while. The rough running stopped, and just in time for our spring heavy truck use season! I am not sure what they put in there, but it sure worked for me!
- bigolpossum onGumout
1st Time using this Particular product
Jun 11, 2015
I use a dry gas and injector cleaner twice a year. Early November and early April because of the big temperature swings we get that time of year.I had to use product a month earlier than i would of liked to because of the data they are looking for. The main reason for using this Gumout product is the gas i use is NOT a top tier brand so the detergent additives are much lower than those, and its preventive maintenance to use it twice a year. One thing though change the can design so that you don`t have to use a spout to get this product into the gas tank........i found that to be a royle pain and inconvenient.
- ConnecTicutConsumeR onGumout
works as advertised.
Jun 1, 2015
I have only used this once and only the gasoline method. So far no complaints. There is a noticeable difference in my car's initial response once I press the gas pedal. It feels as if there is no longer any hesitation.
- mk23 onGumout
Lives up to expections
May 21, 2015
Have used this product in my 2010 tacoma and have experienced better gas mileage and smoother shifting.
- Upsdad onGumout
great stuff
May 15, 2015
love it,works better than sea-foam and cost less too
- mehome onGumout
Works as advertised
May 9, 2015
Had a rough idle on my 2004 Lexus GX470 (95,000 miles)-added the product about 2 weeks ago-rough idle gone and it is getting better MPG. GREAT PRODUCT !!!
- mile high magic onGumout
Get ready for more power!
May 7, 2015
As a veteran mechanic and a long time fan and user of fuel treatments and additives I found this product to work very well. In my truck Gumout Multi-system Tune-Up smoothed my rough idle problem while increasing my fuel mileage slightly. When I used it in my chainsaw the results were a lot more dramatic. After just one tank of fuel I noticed faster starting, smoother idle, and a lot more power. I started using this product in all of my small engine equipment with the same dramatic results. I also like the metal can more than the plastic bottles that other fuel treatments come in. It seems safer to carry in my car till I use it. However, I do find it difficult to poor the multi-system tune-up into my vehicle. I use a modified (shortened) transmission funnel for this to hold the unleaded fuel door (flap) open. I am very happy with the performance of my engines when I feed them Gumout Multi-system Tune-Up.
- MorePower4Me onGumout
Works well
May 4, 2015
I used Gumout multi system tune up in my vehicle before a long trip. When it was time to refuel the vehicle was idling much smoother and the throttle was more responsive
- Dispatcher_Rob onGumout
Great product.
May 3, 2015
Product works great. I have noticed a big difference in performance of the car.
- hoffersj onGumout
Get the bugs out of my engine
May 1, 2015
I love how kind and thoughtful a tune-up can be with just one bottle of GumOut. I thought it wouldn't be enough but instantly after three miles I noticed no tings and smoother acceleration.... all without a smoke screen!
- Callee7755 onGumout
smooth operator
Apr 30, 2015
tried this in my 2000 Plymouth neon. the idle smoothed out after about a half tank of fuel was used. I hadn't realized it had not been smooth.Cleaned out the gunk, for sure!
- Brian onGumout
The proof is in the can.
Apr 29, 2015
This stuff really works. It cuts the mustard you might say. Thanks a lot for the sample. I put 7/8 ths of it in my car and the rest in my lawn mower. Both engines are enjoying new life.
- Papa John onGumout
Everything I neeed
Apr 28, 2015
This product had everything I need to get my car running better, clean out by system and boost my ocatane all in 1 bottle.
- tmaaadman onGumout
Creates a smoother ride
Apr 22, 2015
Super easy to use without a strong odor. Within a day of using the product, I noticed my car was quieter when idling and during acceleration - which is saying something as my car is generally quiet to begin with. It does what it claims to and it has improved my car's performance. Will definitely purchase in the future!
- amyandgizmo onGumout
It just works
Apr 19, 2015
This bottle of kickass in a bottle just works. I noticed great throttle response and a smoother idle. I'm going to continue getting a bottle regularly to keep my car and truck running like a champ.
- Hugonator onGumout
multi system tune up
Apr 17, 2015
worked fine easy to use,, increased performanced better driveability..
- duck onGumout
Cheap Engine Tune-Up!
Apr 15, 2015
I drive a Toyota Tacoma and want to keep it forever, I believe the Gumout MULTI SYSTEM TUNE helps restore the damage done by ethanol and cheap gasoline. I depend on Gumout products as much as I depend on my Tacoma, great team together!
- TED208 onGumout
Gumout does it again
Apr 3, 2015
This product was a much needed addition to an already epic line of automotive care products. I used it in my snow-blower and it did a great job of stabilizing the fuel and giving it a good cleaning..
Gumout review
Mar 26, 2015
Used it a week ago I think the engine runs better but did not improve gas mileage yet.
- Vane onGumout
Nissan Frontier
Mar 18, 2015
Used this product 2 tanks of gas ago, showed a slight increase in gas mileage. Truck runs smoother and starts better.
- heyChief onGumout
Tune-Up works!
Mar 18, 2015
I use Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up in my Jeep regularly and it works great. The engine is over ten years old with 108,000 miles and still running strong. I attribute that to Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up. It's easy to use, just add it to your gas tank or crankcase, and it goes to work.
- jeep04 onGumout
All in One at its best!
Mar 16, 2015
This product works perfectly to remove moisture from fuel, clean fuel injectors and intake valves. I definitely noticed improved idling and fuel economy after using!
- TanMan onGumout
Multi System Tune Up
Mar 12, 2015
Used it in my wife's late model (2004) Monte Carlo. First Impressions are great. Gas Mileage held steady in spite of the Super cold temps and extra warm up time. Biggest thing I noticed was it seemed to smoother.
- Bob2112 onGumout
All in One at its best!
Mar 11, 2015
This product works perfectly to remove moisture from fuel, clean fuel injectors and intake valves. I definitely noticed improved idling and fuel economy after using!
- TanMan onGumout
Tune-Up works!
Mar 7, 2015
I use Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up in my Jeep regularly and it works great. The engine is over ten years old with 108,000 miles and still running strong. I attribute that to Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up. It's easy to use, just add it to your gas tank or crankcase, and it goes to work.
- jeep04 onGumout
Mar 4, 2015
I added this to my vehicle's gas tank prior to taking a road trip that consisted of 2600 miles on my 2013 Mustang. After having the car sitting in a garage most of the winter, the trip seemed like the right time for application. During my first stop after driving about 200 miles, I noticed less vapor coming from my exhaust. The engine also seemed to be idling smoother.... not significantly but, enough that I noticed. Acceleration seemed also slightly improved. I would recommend this product.
- Nicksmoak onGumout
Gumout does it again
Mar 1, 2015
This product was a much needed addition to an already epic line of automotive care products. I used it in my snow-blower and it did a great job of stabilizing the fuel and giving it a good cleaning..
It just works
Feb 27, 2015
This bottle of kickass in a bottle just works. I noticed great throttle response and a smoother idle. I'm going to continue getting a bottle regularly to keep my car and truck running like a champ.
- Hugonator onGumout
Feb 27, 2015
I added this to my vehicle's gas tank prior to taking a road trip that consisted of 2600 miles on my 2013 Mustang. After having the car sitting in a garage most of the winter, the trip seemed like the right time for application. During my first stop after driving about 200 miles, I noticed less vapor coming from my exhaust. The engine also seemed to be idling smoother.... not significantly but, enough that I noticed. Acceleration seemed also slightly improved. I would recommend this product.
- Nicksmoak onGumout
Feb 25, 2015
I put the can of Tune-Up in 17 gallons of gas in a Mercury with the 4-cylinder 2.3L engine. My mileage went from 17.1 to 19.1 MPG. I will definitely buy the product again.
- andrew onGumout
Creates a smoother ride
Feb 24, 2015
Super easy to use without a strong odor. Within a day of using the product, I noticed my car was quieter when idling and during acceleration - which is saying something as my car is generally quiet to begin with. It does what it claims to and it has improved my car's performance. Will definitely purchase in the future!
- amyandgizmo onGumout
Cheap Engine Tune-Up!
Feb 23, 2015
I drive a Toyota Tacoma and want to keep it forever, I believe the Gumout MULTI SYSTEM TUNE helps restore the damage done by ethanol and cheap gasoline. I depend on Gumout products as much as I depend on my Tacoma, great team together!
- TED208 onGumout
Feb 21, 2015
This product is an easy way and fast way to do preventive maintenance on your vehicle. I can feel better performance and see my gas mileage increase.
- KEVIN onGumout
Works as advertised
Feb 20, 2015
Had a rough idle on my 2004 Lexus GX470 (95,000 miles)-added the product about 2 weeks ago-rough idle gone and it is getting better MPG. GREAT PRODUCT !!!
- mile high magic onGumout
great stuff
Feb 12, 2015
love it,works better than sea-foam and cost less too
- mehome onGumout
The proof is in the can.
Feb 12, 2015
This stuff really works. It cuts the mustard you might say. Thanks a lot for the sample. I put 7/8 ths of it in my car and the rest in my lawn mower. Both engines are enjoying new life.
- Papa John onGumout
Love it!!
Feb 7, 2015
Been using this in my 2013 Chevy 2500HD since new works great. Easy to add to my truck. Love the on/off valve for easy filling.
- Bubba onGumout
Get the bugs out of my engine
Feb 2, 2015
I love how kind and thoughtful a tune-up can be with just one bottle of GumOut. I thought it wouldn't be enough but instantly after three miles I noticed no tings and smoother acceleration.... all without a smoke screen!
- Callee7755 onGumout
Multi-System Tune-Up
Dec 30, 2014
I have a 2010 Chrysler Van with 78,000 miles on it. About every 15-20,000 miles, I like to run a can of this thru it. I like to do it when I am going to run a tank of gas thru it so that it gets good and hot and cleans things up.
- Farmer onGumout
Great product
Dec 20, 2014
This product helped my car run and sound smooth within a day of using this product.
- TS17 onGumout
Average Tune-up
Nov 5, 2014
The Gumont Multi-System Tune-Up came in a container similar to SeaFoam and looking at the indication of use I realized it was basically the same thing just with a different packaging (even the bottle is the same dimension and closure system). I've used SeaFoam system tune-up before and was not surprised that the same results was noticed when using Gumont Multi-System Tune-Up. In my 2012 Toyota Highlander I noticed an improvement of 0.2 MPG driving 60/40 Highway/City with an average 21.1 MPG combined overall (semi-lead foot driver). These findings were observed after 3 fill ups and it's been staying consistent. I maintain a regular oil change interval of 5k miles and currently with ~32k on the odometer and did not have an issues previously so I can not tell if this would help with anything other than the slight MPG improvement. Price wise it is about the same as SeaFoam. Overall this product does help minimally with MPG but nothing dramatic. I haven't noticed any decrease in performance or problems so I would have to say as a system tune-up it is reasonably price and if it does what is stated on the packaging not a bad deal.
- JN8591 onGumout
Great product, Car is running better
Oct 17, 2014
Happy with this product, was not so sure at first but my car runs much better now.
- Timothy onGumout
Great product!
Oct 14, 2014
I am about half way thru a tank of gas after using product in my fuel system. I am currently seeing a tremendous increase in miles traveled on a half tank of gas. In fact I thought my fuel gauge was broken at three quarters of a tank!
- Eric B onGumout
Gumout - Multi-System Tune-Up
Oct 3, 2014
I think it worked better than Sea Form I am use to using.
- Jeff01 onGumout
Mulit System Tune Up
Sep 29, 2014
I put this in my car and have ran through 3 tanks. It has not improved my gas mileage like it said it would.
- MrsIndy onGumout
Good stuff
Sep 26, 2014
I've always heard good things about this cleaner but I can say it's absolutely amazing
- Pope onGumout
Noticed a difference!
Sep 5, 2014
Added 5oz. to the crankcase and 11oz to the gas tank. Noticed within a few days of driving ~ about 100 miles, that the engine was running more quietly and smoothly. Also seemed to have better acceleration. Have not had a chance to check mpg change yet.
- OldQST onGumout
Simple, easy & quick!
Aug 30, 2014
a simple way to keep your engine running smooth. I just poured the Gumout Multi System Tune Up into my gas tank before I got gas I order to keep my engine running smooth.
- tony onGumout
Proved itself
Aug 14, 2014
Have a 2002 Tacoma 4 cyl., that had developed a piston slap/knock sound when starting up at temps below 40F. Sound continued for 30 sec's or so until warmed up. Tried this product....and NO Knocking even at 0 or below start up.
- Edmond onGumout
Does a very good job
Jul 31, 2014
I bought the Tune-Up product for my 2007 Town and Country with 155,000 miles. Starting idle was rough. After adding the product in a second tankful it was noticeably smoother and I just took a road trip from SC to FL and return. I got between 1 and 1.5 miles limprovment. Works as advertised.
- feldmab onGumout
Does a very good job
Jul 31, 2014
I bought the Tune-Up product for my 2007 Town and Country with 155,000 miles. Starting idle was rough. After adding the product in a second tankful it was noticeably smoother and I just took a road trip from SC to FL and return. I got between 1 and 1.5 miles limprovment. Works as advertised.
- feldmab onGumout
Multi-System Tune Up
Jul 29, 2014
I tried this product recently in my car and lawnmower. I could feel a difference in the smoothness and responsiveness of both engines. The variety of benefits touted on the label had me suspicious but so far I have no reason to doubt that this product works as advertised. My last test is on some gas I have stored. If my gas is in good shape when I'm ready to use it I'll definitely be buying more of this product.
- JThom onGumout
Worked as advertised
Jun 28, 2014
I received this as a free trial and put it in the day I received it. Within a day or 2 I noticed an increase in acceleration and my fuel economy increase 1-2mpg. I think if this was used on a regular basis it would work very well to help your engine run efficiency.
- aguelich onGumout
it works
Jun 12, 2014
it works great i use it before going to vegas it made my car run smooth its a great product
- ken187666 onGumout
Jun 5, 2014
you can use this in just about anything from lawn mower to snow blower
- tom50 onGumout
Quality product
Jun 3, 2014
So far the product has work as advised. Have used it in my motorcycle and it has help it run much better.
- Gordy228 onGumout
Easy way to keep up my vehicle!
May 26, 2014
I own an 85 Cutlass with 52,000 original miles. Love this stuff. Easy to use and I really think it helps. Plan to keep this car for the rest of my life so I have to use the best.
- Ravenswings onGumout
Would get again
May 20, 2014
Did exactly what it claimed would and will use again
- SoCalEric onGumout
Not easy to open
Apr 27, 2014
This product was hard to open and not easy to pour. It seems the spout is not long enough to tip into the filler neck. Can not be sure if it worked properly after using once through one tank of gas.
- Debc7 onGumout
Truly a multi purpose
Apr 20, 2014
I never had any good luck with Seafoam and it uses. I Tried Gumout's Multi system Tune up. I found it worked very well as a cleaner, ( oil, piston soak and a gas additive).
- Mike S onGumout
Will treat a full sized pick up truck!
Apr 9, 2014
I used the Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up and the large bottle would treat 21 gallons of gas which is what my full sized truck holds. This will help counter the affects of the ethanol that is in most gas now.
- Bill B onGumout
Love the better gas mileage
Mar 16, 2014
Since using this in my car for about 4 days i noticed my engine runs smoother and quieter and getting much better gas mileage
- chico3279 onGumout
No change
Mar 4, 2014
Unfortunately I have to write this. I never expected anything to change as far as fuel mileage or a better idle. And that's exactly what happened. Which I am in a way surprised considering some other products they offer work quite well. If I change my mind later about this product, I will buy it for a different vehicle and maybe I will get better results. And yes, I followed the instructions to a t.
- ase_this1 onGumout
Great product
Mar 4, 2014
Worked great! Cleaned my fuel injectors and my car runs smoother.
- Hondaman onGumout
Great product
Feb 24, 2014
Have ran this in my 2007 Toyota Tundra and have improved performance and gas milage. Will continue to use.
- Dewey5 onGumout
Works Great
Feb 15, 2014
I like the fact that,it works on a tank of gas and you can feel the difference in the way the car rides.
- Glen onGumout
Easy To Use, Trusted Gum Out
Feb 13, 2014
I use this product periodically in my cars to ensure the fuel system continues to operate at peak efficiency. Gum Out Multi-System Tune Up greatly helps with making sure my vehicles, as they age, remain problem free and fun to drive!
- RobertJAG onGumout
Better than Expected
Feb 6, 2014
I started last month when I need a fill up. After about 200 miles I noticed a smoother running engine. When I went to fill up again I noticed that I had a little better mileage and with the next tank full of gas the engine was running smoother and the mileage was better.
- JohnB onGumout
Great Product
Feb 3, 2014
I have used this product and its great and I would use it again.
- Marc onGumout
Works great!
Jan 10, 2014
I have used this product in my lawnmowers, cars and snowblowers. It keeps them running strong! I will continue to use Gumout to keep all my gasoline engines running at peak performance.
- dls165 onGumout
Does what it says it does!
Jan 8, 2014
After adding to my gas tank, could tell an increase in accelation and an better gas milage
- msward54 onGumout
Easy to use container
Jan 7, 2014
I used some in my snow blower it really seemed to help it. I put some in my 2002 Mazda also . It works. I have used Gumount products since the 1950s spray and gas additives.
- Lucky 2005 onGumout
keeps the engine running smooth
Jan 5, 2014
Keeps my 2003 Ford Truck running smooth at 98,000 miles. Helps extend fuel mileage and helps the fuel line and fuel injectors to stay clean and running at top performance. I have used gumout since i was able to drive and found it to be a good investment for my vehicle be it a car or truck.
- bobbytb53 onGumout
awesome product
Nov 6, 2013
you can tell it works very good the engine feels better
- sunfigt15222 onGumout
Cleaning my system
Nov 2, 2013
I am currently burning through the tankful I mixed this with. So far the results are great. My only knock with the product is that it needs a slightly longer neck for adding it to the fuel tank at a gas station. Don't normally carry a funnel with me, so I had a bit of a spill, but nothing terrible.
- Robert30531 onGumout
Good Product!
Oct 30, 2013
Great product! Would buy over the competitors!!!!!
- Freund03 onGumout
Great Product!
Sep 16, 2013
Gum out has always been a great product and this no different. My truck is running better!
- Jenn onGumout
gumout multi system tune up, 2 cycle
Sep 4, 2013
mixed 1 oz. of product to 1 gal of premix and filled empty tanks on chain saw and string trimmer. used both to empty - chain saw, no change noticed, string trimmer felt like it was vibrating more. 2nd fill-up, i ran some product through the intake of the string trimmer and didn't use tools for a week. today string trimmer started easier, didn't notice change in chain saw, less vibration in both? will keep using to keep intakes clean.
- gk39 onGumout
Sep 2, 2013
I have a 2006 Roush Mustang Stage 3 with about 40,000 miles. Decided to try out the Gumout Octane Booster one day and loved it, then I discovered the Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up and couldn't be happier. Engine runs smoother and accelerates better. Will definitely use on my other vehicles!
- Deftones13 onGumout
Increased pickup
Aug 28, 2013
After running a bottle of multi-system through both the gas tank and crank case of a 1986 Nissan 300ZX, I noticed it idled a bit better. What was really noticeable was that it picked up quicker and with more power when I step on the gas.
- Windhaven onGumout
great product
Aug 14, 2013
multi sytem is a great product, it cleans sludge out of carbs very well!
- thall22781 onGumout
Nothing bad happened
Aug 2, 2013
I used this in my pickup with a full tank and ran it til the gas light came on. I didn't really notice any difference in performance or mileage but I also didn't notice any adverse effects which was good!
- Manc onGumout
no difference
Jul 28, 2013
added to my fuel tank and nothing is any different.
- littlezoo55 onGumout
Gumout multi system tune up
Jun 9, 2013
2005 buick lesabre with <60K miles. Running well, wanted to maintain that status. Added Gumout to keep in top state. While I noticed no improvement nor any decrement - as the car is running well - I hope the product cleaned the fuel system so it will stay in the good status it is currently. I did have trouble, however, removing the seal; could not do it at the gas station because I needed a screw driver to remove the plastic seal. The seal nicely protected from leakage.
- wrair onGumout
good stuff
Apr 12, 2013
Have used this product before with positive results !
- bubba onGumout
A product that works
Apr 10, 2013
Added the product to my gas and oil. Car seems to run better.
- FUFF onGumout
Great product! Actually seemed to work.
Feb 7, 2013
It actually did seem to increase the MPG of both my parents cars (which get about 20 MPG on average) by about 1-2 MPG. Will not save a ton, but still worth a try.
- TheInfragableCrunk onGumout
Helpful liquid
Jan 31, 2013
This multsystem tuneup was very helpful for my ailing saturn van. It had an oil leak and this stuff stopped most of it. Thank you gum out.
- tijo onGumout
Gumout - Multi-System Tune-Up
Jan 27, 2013
I know it has to help with performance. I just wish their was a way to quantify the increase in performance. It's not seat of the pants improvement so it's hard to justify adding regularly. Are their any studies to show the increase in performance?
- Phil onGumout
Gumout - Multi-System Tune-Up
Jan 3, 2013
seems to have helped a bit. My car is in top shape so I used this as a preventative measure. So far so good. I think I'll keep adding it as recommended
- Joe d onGumout
Great features!
Dec 15, 2012
After i added this product my Impala it idled smoother and had better acceleration.
- dschu onGumout
gumout tune up
Dec 7, 2012
I have been using Gunout since 1969 this produce works on a lot parts of your vehicle very happy and tune up in a can helps high mileage vehicles return to peak performance
- TAZZ1933 onGumout
Multi System Tune Up
Sep 30, 2012
Great product! Would highly recommend it to anyone! Worked wonders on my 08 F-150 by ridding it of some hesitation when starting off!
- Rusty onGumout
Smooth Running
Aug 14, 2012
I have a 2009 Cobalt. I bought gas at a Kroger gas station. I have no idea if there are any cleaning ingredients in it at all. I added this to the engine and gas tank. The car immediately started running smoother and felt more powerful. The engine was also much quieter. Good stuff.
- sccadan onGumout
Worked for me.
Aug 8, 2012
I used the Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up in my 1997 Explorer. After adding it to my gas and driving around for a while, I noticed that my engine seemed to run smoother. The hesitation that I had been having also stopped. I believe the Gumout cleaned my fuel injectors and got rid of the hesitation.
- Ninja250 onGumout
Jul 16, 2012
- SEYMOUR onGumout
Really Good Stuff!
Feb 1, 2012
My Dodge truck was getting hard to start and running a little rough. I added a can of Gumout Multi-System Tune-Up to a tank of gas, by the time I got back home, I could tell a difference. Since then the truck has started without any problems. This is really good stuff!
- JimL onGumout