Water can condensate in fuel tanks at the station and in your vehicle – the more hot and humid the climate the more this will happen. If the fuel doesn’t sit for an extended period of time the ethanol will pull in water where it will be burned up in the combustion process, but when fuel sits, phase separation can set in. If you are constantly running fuel through your system and not letting the vehicle/motorcycle sit, your risk of ethanol/water damage will be low. If you do let it sit, we recommend our Regane, High Mileage Regane and All in One products because they contain rust and corrosion inhibitors that protect against this issue even if water is present in the fuel and our multi-system tune-up product takes it a step
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Doesn’t water tend to get in fuel tanks with or without ethanol? Doesn’t water tend to get in fuel tanks with or without ethanol? Adding a bit of ethanol or methanol to the fuel tank used to be a standard recommendation for getting rid of accumulated water, since the alcohol acts as a bridging solvent, putting the water in solution so its drawn into the engine and “burned”. Stops motorcycle tanks rusting out, which they tend to do along the bottom seam where the water collects. Separate water seems likely to be just as, or more, damaging than water in solution.
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